USS PYRO AE-1 & AE-24 Association
Constitution and By-Laws
Article -I -Name
This organization will be known as USS PYRO AE-1 & AE-24 Association and
hereafter may be referred to as the "Association" and maybe identified
by the initials "AE-1 & AE-24". This instrument shall be known
as the Constitution and By-Laws of USS PYRO AE-1 & AE-24 Association including
all alterations and amendments thereto, or hereinafter enacted.
Article -II -Amendments
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at an annual meeting by a two-thirds
[2/3] affirmative vote of the members present and voting.
Article -III -Purpose
The purpose of the USS PYRO AE-1 & AE -24 Association is to promote and
unite the fellowship of all personnel who served aboard the U.S. Navy ships
named PYRO.
Article -IV -Membership & Dues
a. Regular Membership in the Association shall be available to those persons
who served aboard the ships named USS Pyro while they were in the United States
Naval Service and who were separated under honorable conditions. Each Regular
Member shall have one vote regarding Association matters.
b. Special Membership (non-voting) in the Association shall be available
to the widows or widowers of deceased former USS Pyro crewmen who would have
otherwise been eligible for regular membership as described in sub-paragraph
c. Honorary Associate Membership (non-voting) may be awarded for recognition
of service rendered on behalf of the Association as selected by the Standing
d. Membership Dues of twelve dollars ($12.00) shall become due and payable
on 1 January of each calendar year for each Regular and Special member.
1. For those persons eligible for and desiring Regular Membership but
suffering from severely debilitating health complications and very limited
financial means, forgiveness of Membership Dues, either initial or continuing,
may be considered for approval by the Standing Committee on an individual
case basis.
e. Life Time Membership as follows:
Up to age of 50 - $250.00,
51 - 55 $200.00,
56 - 60 $175.00,
61 - 65 $150.00,
66 - 70 $125.00,
71 - 75 $100.00,
76 - 80 $50.00,
81 PLUS $25.00.
Article -V -Officers and Duties
The Association shall elect a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer.
a. To qualify for holding an office the member must be in good standing
and must be present at the annual meeting during which he/she would be elected.
No officer may be elected in absentia, without the prior written consent of
such person.
b. The President shall preside over all business meetings.
c. The First Vice-President shall preside during the absence of the President
and be available to assist the President. The Second Vice President shall
preside during the absence of both the President and First Vice President,
and shall be available to assist the President and First Vice President.
d. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of meetings and Association
records, and be the general correspondent for the Association.
e. The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records, bank accounts and
make the necessary reports as required.
f. The Trustees shall annually examine the financial records of the Association
and furnish a signed statement of operations and conditions as of December
31, by February 28th of the following year.
g. Standing Action Committee,
1. Consisting of the following Officers; President, Secretary and Treasurer
will have the authority to act on decisions involving Association funds,
reunion sites, budgets and nomination of officers for the Association. This
committee will retain ultimate authority on all decisions pertaining to
the Association. All financial transactions of this committee will be subjected
to an annual audit by the Trustees.
2. Trustees shall consist of (3) three recent Association Presidents.
h. Upon dissolution of the Association, regardless of reason, all Association
monies, securities, property and records, shall be turned over to the United
States Navy Memorial, Washington, D.C.
i. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit
of any member, director, officer of the Association, or any private individual,
except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or
for the Association, and no member, officer, trustee, or any private individual
shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets on dissolution
of the Association.
Article -VI -Election of Officers
The Association shall elect officers at the annual meeting with terms of office
to run for a two (2) year period from the annual meeting date. An officer shall
continue to serve until he/she resigns, or a successor is elected or appointed.
A vacancy may be filled by a member in good standing appointed by the President
and/or the Trustees to complete the term of office.
Article -VII -Meetings
The Association shall meet annually with a regular business meeting held for
the membership in conjunction with the ships reunion. At the annual Meeting
or reunion, a solemn service of remembrance will be held to remember those shipmates
who are now deceased. The introduction or discussion of sectarian matters or
partisan politics is prohibited in any Association meeting, reunion or convention,
and the name, insignia emblem or records of the Association shall not be used
for any sectarian, business or partisan political purpose.
Article -VIII -Committee and Appointed Positions
a. The Association President shall appoint committees for Public Relations,
Nominating of Officers and/or other committees as he/she sees fit, as well
as a Reunion Committee, consisting of three members including a Chairman or
Coordinator, to oversee the selection of the reunion facility, and the feasibility,
selection and coordination of events for the next reunion.
1. The appointed Reunion Committee shall seek and consider, although not
necessarily be bound by, suggestions from the general membership concerning
reunion events, activities, facilities, arrangements, etc.
b. The Association President shall also appoint a Chaplain and Master-at-Arms
for his tenure of office.
Article -IX -Order of Business
1. The President shall open the meeting with a Salute and Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag and request the Chaplain to render the Opening Prayer while standing.
2. The Secretary will read any obituary of members who have passed away
since the last business meeting. The Chaplain will follow with a Prayer for
the Dead. Note: Only if Memorial Service not performed.
3. Introduce any new members and any guests. All members will stand and
give their name, rank or rating and dates served on board USS Pyro.
4. Roll call of Officers by the Secretary.
5. Any announcements as appropriate before business.
6. The Secretary shall read the minutes of the last meeting. Ask for any
corrections or additions. Any discussion. Request a motion to accept the minutes.
7. Give Treasurer's Report. Any discussions. Request a motion to accept.
8. Secretary shall read the communications received.
9. Committee reports. Discussions. Motions. VOTE.
10. Old or unfinished business.
11. New Business. Discussions. Refer to committee or motion. VOTE.
12. Announce next business meeting.
13. Closing prayer by Chaplain.
14. Salute to the Flag.
15. Request a motion to adjourn the meeting.
[Change above to meet needs or requirements.]
Article -X -Quorum
Ten members present, in good standing, including at least two officers of the
Association, shall constitute a quorum, for the transaction of business for
the Association.
Article -XI -Administrative Office
The Administrative Office of the USS Pyro Association is to be located at the
office of the duly elected Secretary, within 90 days after said election.
Article -XII -Ratification
This Document was adopted by the Association Membership at Charleston, South
Carolina on June 19, 1993
Revision #1: Vallejo, California June 17, 1995 Changed Art. VI Office
Revision # 2: Cedar Rapids, Iowa June 21, 1995 Changed Art. II, Art.
IV, & Art. VII, all changes to annual meetings.
Revision # 3: St. Cloud, Minnesota June 9, 1999 Changed Art. V- a,
Officers and Duties. Added Art V -f 1 Standing Action Committee.
Note: Vallejo, California June 9, 2000 By-laws numbering out of sequence,
considered a typography error, sequence corrected, revision considered,
not required.
Revision # 4: San Antonio, Texas May 19, 2001 Changed Art. V, f-1..
Deleted present members of Standing Committee and replaced with the following
Association Officers; President, Secretary, and Treasurer; Art. V. f-2..Added..The
Trustees shall consist of the three/recent Association Presidents; Art.V Deleted..
and three (3) Trustees; Art.IV. Added..a-1 Honorary Associate Membership (non-voting)
may be awarded for recognition of service rendered on behalf of the Association
as selected by the Standing Committee.
Revision # 5: Jacksonville, Florida, April 27, 2002, Changed Article
IV Membership and Dues to add a Special Member and Honorary Associate Member
category; and to add a hardship provision for the waiver of dues. Changed
Article V Officers and Duties header to add a Second Vice President and to
change the Vice President position to First Vice President; V. a. changed
to remove the requirement for three year attendance at annual meetings and
to add a provision that no officer may be elected in absentia without his
or her written consent; to define the duties of the First and Second Vice
Presidents. Changed Article VI Election of Officers to provide that the terms
of office are for a two (2) year period from the annual meeting date (current
officers terms were renewed for one additional year so they will be serving
two years); to provide that an officer will serve until he/she resigns and/or
a successor is elected or appointed; to provide that appointments may be made
by the President and/or the Trustees to complete the terms of office. Changed
Article VIII Committee and Appointed Positions to clarify the committee process
and duties. Changed Article IX Order of Business by changing will to shall
in items 1 and 6. Made additional grammatical and spelling changes as necessary.
Revision # 6: San Diego, Califorina, May 17, 2003 Added to Article
IV, item e, Life Time Membership allowing membership to pay for individual
Life Time Membership.
Revision # 7: New Orleans, Louisiana, March 12,2004 Added to Article IV, item f. defining member in good standing. Article VI. Clarifying the terms of office and replacement procedure should an officer be removed or leave office.
Revision # 8: Branson Mo. April 2005 Revised Article IV to reflect change in annual dues from $12.00 to $20.00.
Douglas Wisher, Secretary
This Constitution and By-Laws will be used as a rule & guide. It can be
amended as per Art. II. Let us not be nitpickers, but if there is anything in
the Constitution and By-Laws that needs to be changed, kindly express yourself
in writing. The requested change will be brought before the membership prior
to the next business meeting. This is "normal procedure".